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salut.imi trebuie hartiile de la taxe numaidecat.maine am programare la contabil.daca nu trebuie sa merg la birou.nu mai pot reprograma înseamnă în Engleză

Traducere automată:

hello. i need the tax papers immediately. tomorrow i have an appointment with the accountant. if i don't have to go to the office. i can't reschedule anymore
programare [~, programări, ~a, programările, programării, programărilor, ~, ~o, programărilor] substantiv

computer programming(process)

programming(act of writing a computer program)
[UK: ˈprəʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ] [US: ˈproʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ]

trebuie [+ subjunctive of the verb] verbă

have toverb
[UK: həv tuː] [US: həv ˈtuː]

merge [~, merg, meargă, mers, III] verbă

work [worked, working, works]verb
[UK: ˈwɜːk] [US: ˈwɝːk]

așa îți trebuie! verbă

serve someone right(serves you right!)
[UK: sɜːv ˈsʌm.wʌn raɪt] [US: ˈsɝːv ˈsʌˌm.wən ˈraɪt]

Trebuie mergeți la toaletă? [formal] frază

do you need to use the bathroomphrase

Trebuie mergi la toaletă? [informal] frază

do you need to use the bathroomphrase

programare defensivă substantiv

defensive programmingnoun

programare generică substantiv

generic programming(style of computer programming)

programare funcționa substantiv

functional programming(programming paradigm)

merge legănat verbă

waddle [waddled, waddling, waddles](To walk with short steps, tilting the body from side to side)
[UK: ˈwɒd.l̩] [US: ˈwɑːd.l̩]

merge tiptil verbă

tiptoe [tiptoed, tiptoeing, tiptoes](to walk quietly)
[UK: ˈtɪp.təʊ] [US: ˈtɪpˌto.ʊ]

ursul merge frază

haters gonna hatephrase

sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me(a response to taunting proclaiming the speaker's indifference)

ursul merge (the dogs are barking frază

the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on(life goes on even if some will try to stop progress)
[UK: ðə dɒɡz bɑːk bʌt ðə ˈkæ.rə.væn ɡəʊz ɒn] [US: ðə ˈdɑːɡz ˈbɑːrk ˈbət ðə ˈkæ.rə.ˌvæn ɡoʊz ɑːn]

scutit de taxe adjectiv

duty-free(exempt from duty, especially customs)
[UK: ˌdjuː.tɪ ˈfriː] [US: ˌdjuː.tɪ ˈfriː]

limbaj de programare substantiv

programming language [programming languages](code of reserved words and symbols)
[UK: ˈprəʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ] [US: ˈproʊ.ɡræm.ɪŋ ˈlæŋ.ɡwɪdʒ]

interfață de programare substantiv

application programming interface(set of routines, protocols and tools)

merge pe vârfuri verbă

tiptoe [tiptoed, tiptoeing, tiptoes](to walk quietly)
[UK: ˈtɪp.təʊ] [US: ˈtɪpˌto.ʊ]

merge la război verbă

go to war(enter armed conflict)

merge la cumpărături verbă

shop [shopped, shopping, shops](to visit shops)
[UK: ʃɒp] [US: ˈʃɑːp]

merge prin somn verbă

somnambulate(to walk while sleeping)

merge bine? frază

are you OK(polite)

programare orientată pe obiecte substantiv

object-oriented programming(programming paradigm that uses objects to design application and computer programs)

merge Mahomed la munte frază

if the mountain won't come to Muhammad(if one cannot get something done by commanding it)

limbaj de programare orientată pe obiecte substantiv

object-oriented languagenoun

ulciorul nu merge de multe ori la apă frază

the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last(When you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks)